Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The right answer.

Sometimes I wish there was a right answer. Theoretical situations always have one. In theory, murder is wrong and the hero is always right. But in reality, the truth resists simplicity. There are no "good" and "evil" buttons on the decisions we make, no 'right way' and 'wrong way' signs along our journeys. And yet, we still have to choose. That's something that my Mother told me when I was very young.... That sometimes, there are no right answers. That we are given two different paths, with two sets of consequences, and that we must choose the one that we believe will work out best. Sometimes, it will turn out that the path we chose brings us to heart ache and pain, but we must not regret our choices. We make the very best choices for ourselves based on the information we have at the time. We try to make the very best life for ourselves that we can, given the evidence we have at the time. Regret is a wasted thought that could be used to improve the future.

When we come to a crossroads, we must stop and breathe and consider what we know about the road ahead. Then, having weighed the options, we must make a decision and be at peace with the walk forward, never looking back.

But I still wish there was a right answer.

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